ESG-Compliance Check

In the area of sustainability, companies will have to fulfil more and more regulatory requirements in the coming years. Affected companies will be faced with various reporting standards and regulations at the same time, which must be addressed promptly. Compliance with these standards is not only a question of legal conformity, but also a decisive factor for long-term success.

Use our ESG Compliance Check as a first step to identify the most important due diligence obligations and legal requirements for your company. Please see the note below on the binding nature of the results.



Please note that the ESG Compliance Check does not constitute legal advice and does not make a binding statement about the ESG compliance of your company. The results of the calculator are an initial indication and are not to be understood as a final or legally binding assessment. The following due diligence obligations and laws are taken into account in the evaluation: German LkSG, CSDDD, CSRD, EU Taxonomy, EUDR and CBAM. It is possible that your company is also affected by other due diligence obligations or laws that are not included in this check.

We recommend that you have the results confirmed by a direct audit. Please contact our due diligence and compliance experts for customised advice and review.

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